Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dina and Dan Fight For It

Consolidate, & then drink,
to immasculate,
to fish inside a creek tombstone,
down wire
down X, our noses
against the lamp shop,
to be here & then
to not, a series of here is,
here is, a series of tombstone
to drink, consolidate
fish scale, fish spine, spine
of wire down to X,
you say I sound southern sometimes
and I say you've never been to
the south, clearly.

Remember when you said,
lets go to the south, lets go
& make due in the avenue
maples of last lynching, come
home come
home come back to the borough,
come back in a seaboard
east, east, I see this star
I'm sorry, take me back, no
don't, I can't.

Our noses cold against
glass, our noses glass
upon glass, our here &
not here & to fish
a tombstone, to fish
an accent, to fish in
panty, o panty as in
tonight when your hands
are down somewhere,
can we safely say
a cut in time, two bits,
muscle quake/retract,
quake/retract, spasm
as in moisture being
suckled. Here, take
my bosom, my bust,
here take home

as in me, as take me
home and speak me into
X please X, hole
& then I own you
& then I don't
& now you are fishspine
& now a pickle bucket
upside down, our line
cast, water, water, o.

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