Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dina and Dan Consider The CasaPoundians

At the walnut table in the wood paneled dining room sitting, standing when the Miss comes in Bearing Their Dinner on a Tray Quickly and silently section their fruit and with urgent fork manage the bite to their working teeth May I be excused from the Table That speaker is too Steamy from the shower they Ask, are you Willing to Go all the Way, they Make room and Silence Their Loved Ones in their Editing Rooms because the day’s Footage, most days, Is not worth Using

If we’re talking about the Pointing Finger and not the expedition of the Sign, the expediency of Co-option, getting a Person to speak to a Person, If we’re then in the cold of the Great North & The seals have surfaced to the black water's surface their Heads as black as the surface He said After having observed the water for a long time The presence of its animals Without having to see them Were beneath him, and Rising like a flame Because of new non-restrictive regimens of diet and exercise And rain And changing women into a utility for forgetting oneself To meet demands We enjoyed the evening music Parts played slowly with pigeon feathers Chattering figures in the station Obscured by boughs Petal’ing the evening music in leaves of Music It’s like Reaching for Music

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