Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dina and Dan Threaten One Another With Transformation

Finally I became something I wasn't so proud of. Then I became myself again. Let me put it another way. I am a teen now--and I've been giving up for a long time

 LIFE is all about finding out that what you want it to be isn't EVER going to be what it is. And boring...the zits and what all. What a waste of my time etc Your adult time and your adult ways of going about your business Ignoring the teen in the basement with his head wired for sound ...Well sirs I have a few problems with the ways you've been going about your business. Much of it to the exclusion of my music.

Each thing has its history and history is music. Or suppose this is where we live. A WORLD WITHOUT THE MUSIC OF TEENS
And this is where we live! There's a white circle in the street, there's children, and where we live demands us to think that it is where we are not. Bodiless. What is bodiless but the child the teen in me steaming BODILESS TEEN SERPENT IN THE SKY. No I am not your average teen thrust into his body by mere biology. We cannot distinguish what tempts us from what? What is bodiless? That counted thing that can be one way to begin Falling upward into a worse sort of knowledge That is broken in on by daylight It is always finding you They say sniggering So much sniggering So then this moment's light is suspicious light. You're constantly being told to expect something of yourself. And we expect nothing to happen. There is another blank

Fixed on a spot nearest us This doesn't require modification. The teenage is without relief. Modification, the moon, the stem and scaffolding of branches fitted together HANG ME you write on your locker HANG ME you sulk home from school... 

Though there was a time before us, and we acknowledge it It seems the less important the MORE THOSE WHO WERE ALIVE THEN mention its being golden Well I was alive then and it was no more golden than the way things seem to be right now But because everyone is in such a goddamn yank to talk to you about what they've figured out ABOUT THEMSELVES you have to listen to their experiences As if this were history... this relentlessness case by case advising PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION Like I'm going to turn out the same Hacking into a handkerchief
In a broader constellation of events and people Circling one another as though hopeless satellites Hacking and coughing We all just sit in a big white room like this While every now and then one of us sniffles and sighs and the Doctors give us medicine in little paper cups Then we finally shut up and Take to bed and you sleep because you really are very tired were it not so much about being awake as ALERT to the nature outside of your window exquisite bluntly edged into its pattern Every now and then aware of the sound of someone blinking their eyes or crying into their pillow or humming or licking their teeth Everyone sitting in this room so lost in their thoughts IT SEEMS LIKE THEY WILL NEVER COME BACK

So then the evening would fall apart sooner The sooner I fall apart on the way to work FUCK IT and no sooner time contributes as much to a mainly “disconsolate mind” and where we live
With disconsolate cities and highways left for it Tracing the matter rolling Red Balls in Your Veins These manners beside mansions, yet expressed in acts that are fixed on us
Not their equivalent but their lonely
Extensions, our bodies, wriggling into other bodies, ADULT BODIES
to explain any kind of self we have to get to be like them Well I was like them and I got no reward for being like them SO I CHOSE TO GO BACK which no one will notice anyway, Because they didn't notice before.

Being a teen is more than the juice pumping of your pituitary gland and the hair under your arms and the intensity of the blood flow to your prick. I'm a teen precisely because of the PEOPLE AROUND ME. I get the impression they don't even know there's a dead kid in the room with them I get the impression they don't care While they are served coffee by children or read the paper and look at the world and Think There's More to Know And the days pass for Days though they are Slight and Soundless

For Instance One Night I was out walking around well in tears because no one was paying attention to me And was really damn close to killing myself because I was at work ON IT and then this guy came out of his house and asked me what I was doing standing in his yard I had no idea I was standing in your yard I told the old man to go to hell and he stepped a little further out of his house and said WHAT DID YOU SAY and I said I said what was in my right to say OLD MAN I said You can shove your property up your butt Well that did it He came roaring out of his house and with his big old fists beat me In the end I was ashamed YOU UNDERSTAND I was beaten so badly I could hardly move for a month and took to my bed Dreaming Anxious DREAMS So then the feeling is where one must begin BEING A TEEN That resistance to being beaten into states of ANXIOUS DREAMING

 But it is not always like this and my mother--though she's very nearly one hundred--She'll tell you the truth I AM THE SWEETEST BOY But it's true My life is a little bombastic. But it's not without its secret charms. I tell you. It's much more than these scuffles
The point now is I am working in a little store stocking the shelves canned goods and I wear an apron and am always carrying a pricing gun. The aisles shimmer I am alone here I FEEL Religious Awe LIKE I AM IN A CATHEDRAL And then I go home to my mother and her breathing tubes You should see me after working eighteen hours straight Has a teen ever worked so hard? The teen is subject to the laws of recognition, this includes the inevitable FREAKING OUT when under the microscope The teen is SUBJECT ONLY TO ITSELF and has great facility with its own inner-microscope I train it now And "work" works in this manner THE MARKET Each day has its own sound I've written on pink stickies I've stuck to my bedroom wall It's tessellated with pink stickies Generally it's a variation of the incessant sound of traffic passing under a low bridge on the highway. Or the sound of a wonky grocery-cart wheel squeaking over waxed linoleum. It's all here in my notes.  

Yes I am back at home, in the basement, but really, I'm more at home in a larger area, covering more space than usual The Internet breathes I've given up in favor of the a basement vibrant with dankness. I encourage you to jump to conclusions. It's exactly like how you imagine it.  

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