Friday, February 10, 2012

Dina and Dan Apologize For The Inconvenience

I am sitting on the front porch with you and it is raining
maybe raining isn't the right word, maybe I do not have
any other words to describe what it feels like to sit
on the front porch with you. When I left, what is
silence more than this. When I left, I threw things
on the ground, this bomb in the fire place goes off,
You say take your shoes off please
You say please don't do that Katie Jean
please don't do that oh my god why
don't you just go home, you come over
and you ruin everything, just go home
and don't come back
I am sitting by myself right now, open-ass of sky,
open ass of pig sty in the city,
smelling like farm, where is the farm
in the city, why do I smell manure
in the city, tell me about stables, stable-mates,
stalemate, helpmate, none.
I am sitting by myself reviewing like film
in my head, reviewing like film
I want to know all about you pardon
these questions, babydoll, pardon these
questions, I call you my babydoll,
even if you are not my main sweetheart, Valentine's Day and all,
Valentine's Day when you told me about
how when we masturbate, we touch cotton in smooth
light, we touch the keyboard of our computers,
we tell no one, our cum is touching from
finger to finger, no you can't use my computer,
don't even ask. We are in this hotel room
downtown and I tell you you are a man above all men,
a woman above all women, you are my main blood
a heartbeat, a murder, you are my main murderer,
you have taken my life time and again. I am
sitting by myself, I stole from you when you
were not looking, I locked myself in the bathroom
and stole from you. I am sitting by myself
and counting my reward, counting my satisfaction
in material things I do not care about, I will
never use. Baby-doll, listen, I am sorry
for chalking a line that hands you the gun
fully loaded, fully cocked, its harder than
it looks, it will take your arm off, I hand you
this gun and put it to my head. Listen, I am
sorry I am framing you that you were framed
from the genesis. What is genesis but three
unknowns, what is genesis but three. I am
sorry, when we are drowning, I climb on your back,
wrap my arms around your throat, take
you down with me.

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